Friday, May 20, 2005

I Love New York - Trip Highlights

It's really hard for a die-hard Red Sox fan to say this, but I always enjoy visting New York. This has been a busy week, and VON Europe is next week, so lots to talk about. I'm just going to cite some highlights from my NYC visit, and tomorrow I'll comment on the FCC 911 decision - and next week I'll be posting from Stockholm. Hej!

Visit to Office
First, I spent Monday with Jeff Pulver and his team, and got my first taste of podcasting in their Pulver Radio studio. It's open format radio at its finest, but I think it's a great way to create dialog. I'll be blogging more about this soon, and will encourage others to podcast if they like. Feel free to contact me -

I certainly plan to start podcasting on a regular basis. We did a few segments, and while rough around the edges, it's a start! Feel free to listen to these, or any other podcasts at the podcast archive.

Wireless Investor Conference
On Tuesday, I was on a panel addressing key trends in wireless for a Wall St. audience. The conference is run by the NYSSA - New York Society of Security Analysts. This is the third conference I've done with them, and they consistently get a strong roster and a healthy turnout.

What really struck me were the parallels between wireless and VoIP. Just as VoIP is very disruptive to the PSTN, WiFi/WiMax is equally disruptive to the existing cellular infrastructure. Over the course of the day, this became increasingly clear to me. This was one of my main messages, and it seems to me that the VoIP story will repeat itself with WiFi in the wireless world - which has all kinds of implications. I'd like to blog more on this later - stay tuned.

Mets/Reds Game
I was lucky enough to be the beneficiary of tickets that Jeff couldn't use on Tuesday night. Never been to Shea, so it was a real treat to go - thanks Jeff! The Red Sox fan in me would have loved it if Pedro pitched, but it wasn't his turn. Mets won 2-1 - a typical National League game - not much offense and solid defense. Ken Griffey Jr. made a highlight reel catch - which sure enough was on ESPN later on. Mets won it on a late 2 run homer - fans were loving it. NY fans are so vocal about their teams - as one would expect - and it's great to see 'em up close and personal.

Photo courtesy of Cody Willard, who runs a telecom hedge fund, and has a fun personal blog page - The Cody Blog - check it out. And thanks to his accomplice, John Czeban, for the camera phone!


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