Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Blogging Panel Coming at Fall VON

I'm still finding my legs as a blogger, but it's quickly become an important part of both my social and intelligence networks. No doubt this is the case for most of you following my blog as well as many others out there in IP-land.

In support of the blogerati who make my life a little easier - and more interesting - I want to do my part and put the word out for the Blogging Panel coming up in September at Fall VON.

For anyone following the blogs, this will be a great opportunity to get beyond the virtual and see some of the true IP thought leaders in person. It's a great lineup, and I strongly urge you to see them - I'll certainly be there. And if you're not yet going to Fall VON, this is as good a reason as any to get off the fence and make your plans to go now. Where else can you see all these guys in one place?

Here's the lineup - Andy Abramson will moderate, and joining him will be Jeff Pulver, Om Malik, Aswath Rao, Martin Geddes, Stuart Henshell, and waving the Maple Leaf, Mark Evans.

See you there!

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