Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Iotum in Trials with Free World Dialup

I was in New York the past couple of days, and didn't have Internet access, so I haven't been able to post until now. I've been really backed up work-wise, and hope to post about my trip tomorrow, complete with some photos from the Nokia N90 phone that I'm demo-ing (is there really such a word?).

That said, the world does work in strange ways. On Monday, I was visiting the offices of in Melville, NY. This is also home to Free World Dialup, one of Jeff Pulver's many business ventures - and FWD may well be his most significant one.

Iotum is an Ottawa-based startup that I have talked about in previous postings. Wouldn't you know it that the day I'm in Melville, Iotum issues their press release about doing a trial with FWD. This is great for Iotum, as it gives them access to a tech savvy audience who should be able to quickly take advantage of their Relevance Engine. I'd have to think this audience will be able to make Iotum look very good, and serve as a proof-point for more mainstream operators.

Apologies for being a day late on the news. I may have been in Melville, and in fact, met FWD CEO Peter Rust that morning, but wasn't able to post about it until now. But at least you've got the story!

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