Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Maple Blues Awards - Photos

I'm at the TMC ITExpo this week. It's quiet this morning, but things will get busy real soon. The weather is great down here - can't complain, that's for sure.

I've been meaning to post some photos of the MBA event last week. This is the major awards event for the Canadian blues scene, put on by the Toronto Blues Society. I took a bunch of photos my Nokia N90 phone. Very mixed quality, but here are some of the better shots. Took some video clips as well, and the sound is pretty good. I plan to post these on the bloggers site, developed specially for N90 users. Was planning to post these on Friday, but our high speed service went down that night, and my next chance was last night, but the PC I was using kept crashing on me! But now I've got the right horses, and here we are.

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Rising star from Nova Scotia, Garrett Mason

C Linden.jpg

Vancouver-based David Hurricane Hoerhl, blowing harp with the Maple Blues house band

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Canada's telecom guru, Ian Angus, wearing his other hat as a TBS mainstay


The ever versatile and always excellent Colin Linden with the crack Maple Blues house band.

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