Friday, January 13, 2006

New Links to Follow

It's been a very hectic week and am behind on things I want to post. I just want to quickly share with you two new links I've made that you may find of interest.

NexTone - I've commented about them a few times, especially around their recent funding, and how they appear to be establishing a leadership position in what they call the "session management" space. They are doing a number of interesting things to play this role, most notably the establishment of a certification program - NexTone University - in IMS-compliant session management. Sounds like a smart way to spend their new money (no pun intended).

More recently, they launched their own blog this Monday. This is the first vendor blog I've seen on a home website - there may well be others, but I haven't noticed. Of course, blogs are becoming a must-have these days, and I have no doubt we'll be seeing more of this very soon. Am not 100% sure what to make of a self-published blog on the company website, but why not? It's too early too tell where this will go, but I think it's neat, and could turn out to be a useful marketing and educational tool. I'm also pleased to mention they have been nice enough to include my blog in their blog roll. I will return the favor as soon as I can add a blog roll to this blog.

Newstex This is a news aggregator service, and I'm one of many bloggers now providing content feeds for their subscribers. My blog was just recently added to their roster, and hopefully this will broaden my reach and expose my blog to new markets. Time will tell.

Speaking of the media, I had a good week in the press. I was quoted in the Wall Street Journal, IT Business, National Post, and I was interviewed for upcoming stories in Light Reading and Computer User Magazine. A bit further out, I'm hoping be part of a fairly large VoIP story running in the February issue of PC Week.

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