Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Blog Page Improvements

Just a quick note to say that I've been meaning to upgrade the look and feel of my blog page for the longest time. With Jeff Pulver's Pulverati just being launched, there's even more reason to get this done.

So, if you notice, I've just had RSS icons added so you can subscribe to feeds from any of the categories on my blog, or to the whole thing itself.

Coming in the next few days will finally be links to other blogs of interest, as well as....

- more background information about myself, this blog and how to reach me

- recent citings and quotes in the media

Looking a bit further ahead, my website is coming along, and I hope to have it ready by Spring VON, which will be just past my first anniversary as J Arnold & Associates.

For reference, my URL is www.jarnoldassociates.com. For now, that link just takes you here to the blog page.

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