Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Canadian IP Thought Leaders Podcast - Matt Stein, Primus Canada

This week is a podcast double-shot as I won't be doing one next week since I'll be Spring VON.

The first segment is with Matt Stein of Primus Canada. Matt and I spoke about the residential VoIP market in Canada, and how it compares to the U.S. We also touched on net neutrality in the context of this week's news about Vonage Canada contesting the QoS surcharge that Shaw Cable is offering for third party VoIP services going over their network. It's familiar ground for Matt, as Primus Canada addressed this issue with Shaw last year.

You can download the podcast here, and find out where Matt is speaking at Spring VON next week as well as VON Canada next month.

My second podcast for this week should be posted tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Posted by: John

    Primus Canada is in fact the worst company I have had to deal with in 24 years.
    As a senior IT Perfessional I tried to move my home phone service to Primis.
    Local Calling, Internet and E Mail.
    It has been a disaster.
    Not only does the local phone service not work well. They for no reason disconnected my DSL Service and Internet Access.
    Their Customer Service is wofully unexperienced.
    Trust Me "DO NOT SWITCH" its not worth the 20 bucks they say you will save!!!
