Monday, April 17, 2006

Brightcove, Cody Willard, Blogs and IPTV

So, there's a handful of ideas, but there's a method to my madness -usually is. Got a few things to cover in this post, and let's see if how well I can tie them together. Here we go...

This all started off as a goodwill gesture to welcome long-time colleague, Cody Willard to the blogosphere. Cody is well known and speaks his mind about tech and investing - and not just IP-related stocks. Actually, he's had a blog for some time, and I have cited Cody a few times on my blog.

His blog was re-launched last week - I believe - and there's enough common ground there now that I've added him to my blog roll. So, first order of business - welcome to the IP blogosphere CW! Please check it out - The Cody Blog - and while you're there, you'll see the variety of ways he covers and writes about the markets.

So, here's where it gets interesting. Cody is becoming a regular guest of Kudlow & Co. on CNBC, and last week he was on talking about Disney's news to start broadcasting live content online.

Joining him was Jeremy Allaire, President/Founder of Brightcove, which is as hot as they come these days in this space. Cody has a link to the clip on his blog post about it, and it's a great segment if you're interesed in this space. Warning - it took a few minutes to download, so you may need to be patient.

Cody is introduced as the "James Dean of new media" by Kudlow! How's that for a buildup - I hope it sticks, Cody. The gist of the segment was that this is very early days, and the cablecos aren't doomed - so don't run out and short Time Warner. They talk about how the power and control is shifting from the cablecos to the consumers - much the way VoIP has unfolded, and the potential is there for content to be king, and the MSOs to becoming just one channel instead of the channel. Brightcove has recognized the power of the Internet to be one of these other channels, and they're betting that both viewers and advertisers will rapidly adopt new behaviors around how and where they watch their favorite shows. Not only can viewers now have a direct connection to the content providers, but over the Net they can now do so globally.

I really enjoyed the segment, especially since much of what they discussed was consistent with my posting on this topic from last week. On a related theme - mobile TV - I have also voiced similar thoughts and concerns, especially in terms of how this impacts local broadcasters.

Another tie-in here is Jeff Pulver - no surprise there. I just wanted to mention that anyone who attended Spring VON got a chance to hear Jeremy Allaire in person, and Brightcove was certainly one of the big stories at the show.

Finally, I wanted to add that Brightcove has their own blog, and there's a posting there as well about the CNBC segment.

There, I think that covers everything.

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