Thursday, May 4, 2006

Conference Updates/More Media

Just wanted to update you on some upcoming conferences I'll be attending this month.

May 10-12 - Canadian Venture Forum, Toronto

At the CVF, a variety of fund-hungry startups will be telling/selling their story, and I'm looking forward to being part of the process. There are a couple of IP-based companies in the mix, which will be of most interest to me, including EQO (enables mobile Skype), Cascada (mobile P2P gaming apps), Voxlib (enables any-device, any-network communication), and Zonez (wireless broadband routers).

May 15-16 - mesh Web 2.0, Toronto.

It's been put together as a first-timer by 5 leading lights of Toronto's tech scene, including Mark Evans, Mathew Ingram, Rob Hyndman (they were all on my Bloggers Syndicate panel at VON Canada last month), and Mike McDerment (one of his companies is putting together my soon-to-be-launched website). They've managed to line up a great speaker roster, including uber-blogger Om Malik, and a lot of great sponsors are supporting it, which tells you there must money in this market somewhere!

Update - I was scheduled to be a Course Leader at a Toronto-based VoIP conference for next week, but their plans have just changed, and the date has been moved out to October.

More media....

Just a quick sidebar. I should get sick more often - for some reason, the media have been calling a lot this week, and for all kinds of stories.

Got a local double-play today - was cited in both the Globe & Mail and the National Post.

First, the Globe story was about how VoIP is starting to drive wireless, noting how Vonage Canada has finally launched its WiFi sevice with a UTS WiFi phone. It's not dual mode, though, so you really need a hotspot to use it. Still, it's a step in the right direction for them to compete against the bundles.

Second is the Post, where Mark Evans wrote about how declining landline revenues are hurting our incumbents. You have to be paid subscriber to get the whole article, but here's the story lead.

Also spoke with Business Week yesterday about another residential VoIP story, but it hasn't run yet.

And today, I spoke with Telemanagement magazine about Iotum. Stay tuned.

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