Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Vonage IPO - Everybody's Talking At Me...

If you're old enough to know how that song goes, you'll be smiling too. Can't get that song out of my head now....

Vonage trading starts tomorrow. I hear it's oversubscribed, so maybe my prediction will come true after all. The power of the brand goes a long way, even if you're losing money. Most industry insiders are scratching their heads wondering why anybody would buy Vonage - and in many ways, I agree with them. Main Street is a very different place, however, and all they really know is that Vonage advertises everywhere, and they have that goofy, but catchy "whoo hoo, whoo hoo hoo" song you can't get out of your head!

I've been talking to the press a lot today about Vonage, and more of the same tomorrow.

FYI - I'll be on Bloomberg Radio at 10am, should you care to listen. You can pick it up off their site, or on AM 1130 in NYC, or on satellite radio (not sure which stations). Here's the guest roster, and if you scroll down, I'm there for 10am.

Om Malik was nice enough to cite me on his blog earlier today. He's even nicer, by having me guest blog later tomorrow about the IPO. Thanks Om - and you can guest on my blog any time!

Hat tip to Mark Evans on Om's post, who's also following the story closely. We spoke earlier today, and I'm sure he'll have something running in tomorrow's National Post.

On the home front, I'll be on ROB TV tomorrow at 3:15, speaking with Pat Bolland about the IPO.

To complete the media triple play - radio, TV, print - I was cited in TechNewsWorld this afternoon.

Busy, busy, busy...

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1 comment:

  1. Posted by: mark evans

    so why do you think vonage shares tanked today. like you, i had expected them to spike after they hit the NYSE. perhaps all the critics were right after all. maybe vonage's losses spooked investors. i'm amazed, particularly given today's disappointing debut, that vonage was able to sell more than $500-million of stock. who bought this stuff and why?
