Friday, May 19, 2006

Web 2.0 - Send Money Please, I Can Do This

Mark Evans is coming off a career week with the success of Mesh on Monday and Tuesday here in Toronto. The conference has been amply covered, and this posting only has a modest tie-in. In his day job, of course, Mark covers tech for the National Post, and does a great job there. On his blog today, he referenced an article of his that ran in today's paper that I wanted to share here as well.

It touches on one of the stronger themes coming out of Mesh. There are a lot of smart people out there, and there are lots of fundable ideas for Web 2.0 businesses. Mark's article talked quite a bit about Rick Segal of J.L. Albright Partners, and his open enthusiasm for the talent pool we have here in Canada. Canadian VCs have generally been more cautious than Amercian VCs, but the article cites Brightspark and Growthworks, along with Albright as being the most supportive of Web 2.0 in Canada. So, without talking up the merits of Mesh, Mark does a nice job to objectively draw attention to the fact that in Canada we have all the ingredients in place for a thriving Web 2.0 community, including ideas, talent and capital.

Adding to the capital needed to make any Web 2.0 venture fly is good management. To that end, I wanted to quickly reference a nice article that ran in our other national daily, the Globe & Mail. It's by Sean Wise, and I posted about it earlier today.

Put these two articles together, and you've got a pretty good blueprint to build a business around. Now all we need are some good ideas - anyone?

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