Thursday, June 29, 2006

Canada's Top Tech 100 - IP Companies to Watch

The current issue of Canadian Business magazine was a good one. Aside from the IPTV article I just posted about, they also had their annual Tech 100 feature, which focuses on Canada's top 100 publicly traded tech companies.

Of course, the usual suspects from IP and telecom are there - Bell, Telus, Rogers, Shaw, Nortel, RIM, etc. - and it's good to see that these sectors make up a good chunk of the overall list of the top 100.

More interesting for me are some lesser-known companies in the list that I've been following, namely Aastra (ranked #16) and Ascalade (#35). I've blogged about each before - here and here - and it's great to see them getting this kind of recognition.

In addition, this issue had another cool section titled How Things Work. I love stuff like this, and one of the topics was mobile TV. There's a nice explanation there of how carriers transmit TV to cell phones, and the focus is on how a small company, QuickPlay, provides the enabling technology. QuickPlay is Toronto-based, and I've been following them for a while - with both postings and a recent podcast.

Finally, there was also a short piece about Dragon's Den, the new business reality TV show in production now for the Fall season on CBC television. I posted about this show last week, and hope you tune in - especially if you want to see startups who are seeking money grovel really well before a panel of hard-nosed investors with money to spend. Capitalism at it most entertaining --- short of The Apprentice!

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