Friday, June 2, 2006

Canadian IP Thought Leaders Podcast - Mathew Ingram, Globe & Mail

This week's podcast was with Mathew Ingram, who's a technology writer for the Globe & Mail here in Toronto. Mathew is one of the people behind the Mesh Web 2.0 conference that was just held here. He's got a pretty good perspective on this space, and we talked about various issues around what makes Web 2.0 interesting and about how strong the interest seems to be. Inevitably we went on the blogger vs. journalist tangent that I'm so fond of, and Mathew speaks very well to the issue.

You can listen to the podcast here, as well as read up more on Mathew and his blog.

Next week I'm hoping to do a pod or two live from the floor at the PPN booth - #31048 - at Globalcomm. Hope to see you there.

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