Friday, July 28, 2006

SightSpeed 5.0 - Minor Update

Just a quick update/clarification to my posting yesterday about SightSpeed's latest release.

I incorrectly stated that SightSpeed currently supports remote access and viewing from your PVR. Colleague, Jim Courtney, has a very good post about SightSpeed and his chat with Peter Csathy, and clarified a few things that I'd like to share. Jim is far more tech savvy than me, and I'm glad we chatted earlier today.

Basically, Jim pointed out that SightSpeed 5.0 will only support live TV from your cable connection right now. It won't work off a set top box, which means you can only access analog channels - not digital.

Furthermore, it will only be able to interface with your PVR when Windows Vista launches, which may not be until next year. So, it's not quite the Slingbox killer that it may appear - at least for now.

I have no doubt these hurdles will be passed - SightSpeed's quality is too good, and they look to have lots of really smart people who can figure these things out.

So, thanks for the update Jim, and hopefully I've set the record straight!

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