Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Canadian IP Thought Leaders Series - Barry Fogarty, Diginiche

On this week's podcast, I spoke with Barry Fogarty. He's the President of Toronto-based startup Diginiche. This is a very interesting company I came across at the Canadian Venture Forum back in May, and have been wanting to pod with them ever since.

Their focus is on real time, interactive web-based collaboration. It's one of those Web 2.0-type apps that you really have to see. The best I can do is steer you to a video clip I made of a demo that Barry gave me at the Forum. You can get to the clip via my blog posting about what I saw at the Forum.

On the podcast, Barry spoke at greater length about the opportunities he's seeing in the collaboration space, and how a simple, browser-based application like his really opens up the possibilities for creative forms of online collaboration.

You can download the podcast here, as well as read more about Barry.

I should also note that my podcasts can also be accessed at the Vonosphere, a portal just launched last week for a variety of Pulvermedia content, including the Pulvermedia Podcast Network.

FYI - no podcast next week - am away on the second leg of our summer vacation. Will be back with a new pod the following week.

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