Tuesday, August 29, 2006

VoIP Blogs - I'm Top 10 Material

Well, this sure was nice to see earlier today. I hate being so busy that I'm not able to blog in a more timely manner, but better late than never.

I met Garrett Smith earlier this year at a VoIP show, and have been meaning to stay in touch. Well, he's been staying in touch with me by reading my blog - and lots of others who commment about VoIP. I hadn't come across his blog until today, but I'm glad I did!

So, for those of you who don't know by now, Garrett has been reviewing VoIP blogs for some time and has come up with a top 30 ranking, broken up into the 3 tiers. The top tier is the top 10 he considers must-reads for ongoing everday coverage. The next 10 are basically ones you should be reading weekly, and the bottom 10 are for less regular monitoring, but still valuable nonetheless.

Well, I'm a happy guy by virtue of being ranked #4 in the top tier, with Andy Abramson #1, Om Malik #2 and Rich Tehrani #3. I have no idea what Garrett's ultimate criteria were, and he concedes this is an inexact science, but I'm not complaining to be in such good company. I follow pretty much all these blogs regularly and they're all very good.

Bottom line - you won't go wrong following any of these, and I'm just happy to be along for the ride. Thanks Garrett, for putting this together! At minimum you've made the day for 30 other bloggers, and hopefully many others will pick up on this. You can read his posting here, and from there, you'll be able to quickly link to any of the 30 blogs in his rankings.

Coda - there's a good reason why Andy is #1. I cite him regularly, and he, in fact, gets the hat tip for telling me about Garrett's posting before anyone. No doubt this buzz will spill over to the Blogger's Panel at Fall VON, which will be very nice. I can certainly tell you that many of the bloggers cited in Garrett's posting have been emailing amongst ourselves, so the inner circle buzz is quite good.

Anyhow, back to Andy. One of his many activities includes a blogging program he developed for Nokia as a means of creating awareness and momentum for their N Series handsets. I've been blogging about this for some time, and yesterday I posted a review of the N91, written by my son, Max. Today, Andy added that posting to the Nokia blog page, and it was pretty cool to see my son up there. So, I can vouch first hand for the good work Andy does - no doubt about it.

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1 comment:

  1. Posted by: Neal Shact

    Hi Jon,

    You are certainly in good company. There is a lot of firepower in the top three, and no less in #4. Keep up the good work.
