Monday, August 7, 2006

The Vonosphere is Here

Half the fun of creating something new is coming up with a name for it. Vonosphere is the name of Jeff Pulver's latest initiative, which launched late last week while I was away on vacation. Some of it is old and some is new, and on the whole, it's good. Basically the Vonosphere is a portal for many of Jeff's communications vehicles - blogs, podcasts and VON Magazine. It's a nice form of brand extension for the VON franchise, and I think it's a great one-stop shop for anyone looking to connect with the IP communications community.

To learn more about what the Vonosphere is, editor Paul Kapustka explains. He's the Pulvermedia point man for all this, and is also one of the bloggers in Jeff's stable. My blog falls under this umbrella as well, plus I produce a weekly podcast about the Canadian IP market for the Pulvermedia Podcast Network, so by extension, I'm happy to see this come together.

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