Friday, September 29, 2006

Nokia N90 Blog Site - VON Highlights on my Phone

I've cited the Nokia blogger program a number of times before. It's a great initiative that Andy Abramson has put together for them, and I'm one of the beneficiaries who gets to try out these really cool phones.

I'm not a gadget guy, and there are endless posts on the N90 blog site about all the features, so I really don't have anything to add on that count. However, the N90 is my everyday phone, and clumsy as it is to carry around, I really use it more as my camera and camcorder. It allows me great freedom to be spontaneous and capture a moment on the fly, and I find myself using it as much for in-the-street shots/videos, as I do for more formal settings. Of course, the photo quality is wildly uneven, but being digital, it's so easy just to delete the duds and keep the good ones.

On that note, I recently posted my visual highlights of Fall VON here, and the post was picked up on the Nokia N90 blog a few days ago. I'm a bit late getting around to this, but it's still worth citing here. For those of you who want to dive deep into what this phone is all about, this blog is the place to go.

FYI, there is a separate blog page for the Nokia N91, and other blogs are coming for the next wave of Nokias. The N91 is a sleeker version of the N90, and followers of this blog may know that my 13 year old son, Max, uses this as his everyday phone. How many 13 year olds can top that? His review of the N91 was recently posted to the Nokia blog.

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