Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Podcasts Are Being Heard

As readers of my blog know, I do a weekly podcast series for Pulvermedia titled Canadian IP Thought Leaders. Podcasts are a great vehicle for discussion, but unlike live radio, it's pretty tough to tell who your audience is. I have a rough idea of how many people listen to my pods, but very little sense as to who listens or what people think, other than the comments that come back. It's also great to see that many of my guests are featuring the pods I do with them on their websites, so that's another form of validation.

Having said that, it was nice to see this blog post from Bruce Stewart of O'Reilly Emerging Telephony. It ran last week, but it just crossed my path over the weekend. He's got a great blog, and it was nice to see his good words about my last pod - with Jim Van Meggelen on Open Source - and my podcasts overall. It's nice to be heard, and I hope you keep on listening Bruce - I've got lots of good ones lined up for the Fall!

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  1. Posted by: RisingSunofNihon

    Isn't it great when you happen to come across someone that likes your work out there in the blogosphere or podcasting world?!

    You make an excellent point about not being able to tell who your listeners really are when you do a podcast. I think it's important (for businesses especially) to be able to tell who's listening in. Otherwise, what can they do -- just sit back and hope their podcasts are reaching their target market?

  2. Posted by: RisingSunofNihon

    Isn't it great when you happen to come across someone that likes your work out there in the blogosphere or podcasting world?!

    You make an excellent point about not being able to tell who your listeners really are when you do a podcast. I think it's important (for businesses especially) to be able to tell who's listening in. Otherwise, what can they do -- just sit back and hope their podcasts are reaching their target market?
