Saturday, September 30, 2006

StockIM - Serving the Small Cap Sector - Another Place to Find Me

There are many communities of interest out there that are somehow connected to IP communications, and there are also many ways to connect these communities together. This is something I enjoy doing, and am always looking at ways of doing this.

One of my current explorations is with StockIM, whose focus is serving the small cap sector.


What's neat about StockIM is that their portal has a Voice 2.0 flavor in that it marries various forms of news,research and analysis about small caps along with an IM platform to enable real time discussion among the community following these companies. I have no doubt that these features will evolve, and maybe they'll move from chat to voice or even video. The technology is there, and this is a community that lacks for good information and knowledgeable experts.

My blog is linked to their site, and hopefully this will drive traffic in both directions - from the small cap crowd to the IP blogosphere, and vice versa. You can also read more about my offerings to this community in the Partnership section of their website.

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