Thursday, September 7, 2006

Toronto's WiFi Launch - Part 2

Yesterday, I posted about the basic details of this story, along with my overall take on Toronto Hydro Telecom's WiFi launch. I said it would be a short post, with a longer post to follow once the news was out.

Well, I'm reversing myself - that post was longer than planned, and this one will be short. Catherine McLean's story did not run in today's print edition of the Globe & Mail, but it did turn up in the online edition. There are more details about the launch there, and the only thing I really missed in yesterday's post was the pricing for rentals - it's $10 for a day, and $5 for an hour.

What I really love about online editions of newspapers are the reader comments, and there are some real interesting ones that show the range of viewpoints around this initiative. Of particular note is the comment that Toronto already has a free WiFi initiative, called Wireless Toronto - something I've been meaning to blog about for sometime (better do it quick before somebody else does!). Given my earlier posting about Fredericton's free WiFi service, I just have to mention the comment from someone in Fredericton praising their service - oh, and of course, his posting was made using their WiFi service!

Still, I haven't seen any talk about this story on the blogs - not sure why. Toronto Hydro Telecom now has news and information about the service - officially branded as OneZone on their website, but aside from Catherine's online article, that's about it.

So, for all you muni WiFi guys/gals out there, I hope you find this of interest!

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  1. Posted by: jules

    Hey Jon!

    I'm looking forward to trying the Toronto Hydro service out next week when I'm downtown. I'll be sitting in a cafe and enjoying an overpriced coffee - but it just might be worth it for the first test drive ;-)


  2. Posted by: jon arnold

    Thanks Jules. Good luck trying it out - am sure it will work just fine. If you think of it, I'd love to hear how it goes.
