Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Canadian IP Thought Leaders Series - Ross MacLeod and Voice 2.0

This week's podcast gave me a chance to hear first hand from one of the organizers of last week's Voice 2.0 conference in Ottawa. I wasn't able to participate due my previous commitment to be at the Sylantro customer conference, so this was the next best thing. Indie consultant Ross MacLeod provided a great reprise of the event for me, and if you want a 15 minute primer on what was behind the Voice 2.0 event and what took place there, I think you'll really enjoy this podcast.

To download the podcast and learn more about Ross, click here. I'd also urge you to check out Ross's blog, which also has a nice running commentary about the event.

Speaking of successful Canadian "2.0" events, it's official. The Mesh conference, held here in Toronto last May will be back next May. Mesh was a very good starting point to bring the Web 2.0 community together, and enough good things certainly came out of it to warrant a sequel. Mark Evans is one of the movers behind Mesh, and his blog is a good starting point to follow the news. It's also worth following to see how Mark is faring in his return to startup land, having recently left his steady gig at the National Post and gone all-in with B5 Media.

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