Friday, October 20, 2006

Staying Local - Next Stop - Toronto

I don't travel all that much, and the past 2 weeks have been the longest stretch I've had, with the TMC ITExpo last week, and Sylantro's customer conference this week. These trips have been great for business, and my hands are very full following up on a lot of things that will keep me busy for a while. All of these demands have put a crimp on my blogging, and I'll get back on course next week.

That said, I'm participating in another conference next week, but for a change, it's in my backyard. Colleague Henry Dortmans is well known in the Canadian enterprise telephony space, and he did a podcast with me earlier this year.

Next week he's running Enterprise Networks 2006, and I'll be hosting the wrap up panel on Wednesday. If you're in town and are interesting in joining us, you can review the program here. Should be a good show, and I'm looking forward to it.

Continuing on the domestic front, my podcast next week is with Ross MacLeod, who was quite involved in the Voice 2.0 conference, which ran earlier this week in Ottawa. I had to miss it due to my earlier commitment to Sylantro's event, so doing a pod with Ross will be the next best thing to hear what I missed. To catch a more real-time take on how the conference went, you can listen to podcasts from some of the speakers, namely fellow bloggers Alec Saunders, Martin Geddes and Jim Van Meggelen. You can get the link off the Voice 2.0 homepage.

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