Thursday, October 12, 2006

TMC ITExpo - Images of the Show

Conferences are great, but there always way too much going on. I haven't been able to post until now for a variety of reasons, and just have time now to share some photos of what I've been seeing/doing here at the show. Will write up my impressions of the show later, hopefully by tomorrow.

Photos, as usual, courtesy of my Nokia N90. Newsflash! I now have the N93, and get to use a new phone real soon. So, this may be the last you see of my N90 photos...

Really, does it get any better than this??? (view from my hotel room, 18 stories up)

The convention center way down below...


Any guesses to what this is??? Answer at the end of this post...

Tuesday..... Wednesday!

A couple of the keynotes...


The N Team - Natasha MacArthur and Mr. T, Nadji Tehrani

Dan York, Simon Gwatkin (Mitel) and Carl Ford (

Andy Abramson's blogger dinner on Tuesday. Tough act to follow - great night, Andy!


Where we'd all rather be at the end of the day....

Answer - looks like a screen display of a video game, huh? It's a vertical shot, again from my room of a patio reception being set up outside the convention center.

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