Sunday, October 15, 2006

TMC ITExpo - Quick Commentary

Been wanting to comment on my impressions of the show, but it's going to have to wait another day or so. After flying out yesterday, I'm flying out again tonight to Las Vegas for Sylantro's Global Summit, where I'll be hosting a panel on hosted IP solutions at 5:10 tomorrow.

Quickly, colleague Marc Robins had a nice post capturing some feedback on one of the sessions he hosted that I was part of. He actually hosted a series of sessions, of which I got to speak on three. They were a lot of fun, and you can get the gist of what we talked about on his post.

I also moderated two other sessions myself - one on FMC (which was SRO), and the other was on SMB solutions for VoIP. Both had a lot of interest, and the speakers were great. I didn't get to see much in the way of other sessions, I'm afraid, so I can't really comment on how those went.

I have some overall impressions of the show to share still, and hope to get those posted tomorrow. Gotta run...

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