Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cisco and Bloggers - They Get It

Anyone who follows my blog knows I'm a big advocate for the value can bloggers bring - not all of them, but certainly those who are close to the center for what they're talking about.

I've said my piece already about Cisco and how they are on the right side of the curve. This also holds for media relations, and they've been very supportive of bloggers, and have encouraged this actively at the conference. One way they've done this is to create a blog site dedicated to posts about the C Scape conference, and bloggers are invited to submit their posts there.

Well, I took them up on the offer, and I'm very pleased with the result. My posting about the conference went live about 2 hours ago, and it's already up on the Cisco blog site. And, you're just one click away there from seeing my photo and bio. Hey, I can get used to this type of exposure. That's what I call moving in IP time, and if you ask me, this is the way to handle blogger relations.

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1 comment:

  1. Posted by: luca

    Nokia, with the Nokia Blogger Relation program really got it.
