Monday, December 4, 2006

Unified Communications Strategies - Another Place to Find Me

Independent consultant Jim Burton is very well known in unified communications circles, and we have become friendly ever since meeting at Fall VON this year. We have reciprocated links, and recently, Jim asked if I would be willing to share relevant postings on his site, as well as contribute there occasionally myself. I'm more than happy to do that, and you can find some of my postings on his portal, Unified Communications Strategies.

It's an excellent resource for unified communications, and he's got a great roster of contributors, including Blair Pleasant and Don Van Doren. There's a lot of content there, and it's updated regularly. You have to register to access the content, but it's free, and just takes a couple of minutes.

The website is serviceable, and with a few clicks it's not hard to find what you're looking for. However, Jim has been updating me on the overhaul coming for the website, so look for a new and improved UC Strategies portal very soon.

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