Tuesday, January 16, 2007

PTC 2007 - Day 1 Highlights

Hawaii is pretty far away from Toronto, and it's pretty hard to keep things on schedule while I'm here. This is quite the place, and with all the snow we're having back home, it's very tempting to just head down to the beach, and well.....

This is my first time attending the Pacific Telecom Council conference, and so far, it's been a great experience. Very different crowd from the shows I usually attend, but a very keen interest in all things IP for sure. There are some exhibitors here, but it's mainly about the content and a chance for Pacific Rim telcos to hear about the state of the industry, primarily from the U.S. vendor's point of view. Nothing radical or cutting edge here, and no big announcements or launches. The presentations and sessions have been pretty high level but well done. Lots of dicussion about FMC and peering, and today, I'm expecting to see more of the same.

With that out of the way, it's just a sea of Hawaiian shirts and khakis. Very casual and fun atmosphere, and Jeff Pulver would be right at home here wardrobe wise! :-) Finding a fun Hawaiian shirt for myself here is high on the to-do list for later, but not until I go shopping for the requisite peace offerings for my family who are in deep freeze mode back home, while I think about how to find time to get to the beach. Gotta go....

Here are a few photos of the show, courtesy of my Nokia N93....


"Future of Voice" session...


Ken Zita, PTC Chaiman, and Claudine Naruse of PTC


Vitaly Potapov, Mera Systems




Well, it's not snowing HERE....

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