Monday, February 12, 2007

Business Trends Quarterly - Food for Thought


I recently became a contributor to a magazine that many of you will find worth reading. It's call Business Trends Quarterly, and features lots of well written articles by industry analysts on various technology topics. I really like what I see so far, and hopefully, you'll be hearing lots more from this publication soon.

You can subscribe to the print edition for free - it's hefty, but well produced and full of good content - or download it off their site.

My first article for BTQ is in the current issue - Q1 2007 - and it just went online. It's titled "VoIP 2007 Outlook", and for now, you'll have to download it from the site to read it. The homepage link is here, and you need to click on the tab that says "Q1 2007". Once you're there, scroll down a bit, and you'll find the article link on the left, and my profile on the right. If you're not registered, it just takes a minute, and you're in.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, and if the article stimulates some debate, you know where to find me. I'll be a regular contributor, and will be speaking with BTQ tomorrow, in fact, to hash out what I'll be writing about for the Q2 edition.

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