Friday, February 2, 2007

GIPS - Now Known as Global IP Solutions

Did you know that?

I've been following GIPS - Global IP Sound - for a few years now, and they've long been viewed as a - or the - market leader in IP voice processing technologies.

Well, on Monday, their re-branding went public, and GIPS is now Global IP Solutions. From what I can tell, this hasn't been picked up, at least among the bloggers, so this may well be news to you.

The name change reflects a few things. First is their broadened scope to include video processing, so this is now a multimedia story - hence the "solutions" moniker. Second, following their recent acquisition of CrystalVoice and exclusive licensing deal with Espre Solutions for their LSVX codec, they are now entering the enterprise market. Good move.

Finally, to help educate the market more about what GIPS is doing, where they're going, and how they're doing things, they've launched a podcast series. Another good move! The series is called GIPS Real-Time, and the first segment is an interview with their CEO, Gary Hermansen. You can check it out here, and no doubt the podcast will be great vehicle to showcase their renowned sound quality.

Quick sidebar - I met with Gary during the ITExpo last week, so I had a heads-up on this. When asked what I thought of the name, I suggested Global IP Sight and Sound would be a better name. I think he liked that, but I suspect it was too late to use it. Oh well, at least he was nice enough to ask. Next time, call me sooner - I like my name choice better!

I'll be listening to the podcast soon, and you can expect to hear more from me about their new directions. At least you're now up to date. Back to work....

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1 comment:

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