Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Iotum at DemoCamp - Photo and Video Highlights

DemoCamp 12 was held on Monday here in Toronto. This is a very vibrant community, but one that I don't normally spend time with. It's a great forum for aspiring tech entrepreneurs to demonstrate their technology, and probably more importantly, get candid feedback from their peers. Very grass roots, and a good way to hone your story for the VCs.

I came out to this one because Iotum came in from Ottawa last minute to do a demo of their new Blackberry application, called Talk-Now. In short, it's an intelligent presence solution and makes the task of managing calls on the Blackberry a lot easier. If you're a Blackberry user for both voice and data, you should probably try it out. Just click here to try it out - how hard was that?

Photos and video courtesy of my Nokia N93. The lighting was pretty low, and I've lightened the photos as much as I can, so here you go...

CCCCCold outside, but warm - and very crowded inside. Great turnout...


Alec, all wired up with his devices and screens...



And now, you can see the Talk-Now demo yourself. Here's a 2 part video. Part 1 is about 90 seconds, with Alec introducing himself and Talk-Now to the audience. Part 2 is about 4 minutes, and shows the first few minutes of the actual demo, and as you can see, it works really well!

Oh, a big thank-you to my oldest son, Max, who came with me to the event, and shot the video for this post. Am sure he was the youngest person there, but I could see him doing his own demo there in a few years' time!

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