Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The New Iotum Video

Followers of Iotum would be familiar by now with the flak Alec Saunders recently got for a video he prepared demonstrating their new Blackberry application and posting it to YouTube.

Well, today, Alec posted a much better, crisper demo, and it's a great way to see, hear and experience what Iotum's Talk-Now Blackberry application is all about - and in under 4 minutes.

Nicely done, Alec! And, it's a better production than the video my son Max took of your demo at DemoCamp last week. Mind you, we were using a cell phone camera in a dark, crowded room...

And for the record, Jeff Pulver picked up on this earlier today, and cited Alec's video off of YouTube.

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