Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thomas Takes Top Spot at ETel - Dinner's on Him!

Just been IM'g with Thomas Howe on Skype, and the word from Mr. Howe is that he came away with the #1 spot at the Telephony Mashup Contest.

This was a last minute thing, but it sure looks like it was worth it for Thomas. For more detail on what this is about, have a look at my post from Monday.

I haven't seen any news about this on the blogs yet, and I suspect I'm first to post about it. Hopefully, others will pick up on this shortly.

Thomas is now $1,500 richer, and it's official - dinner is on him when he comes up to Toronto next week. I'll drink to that. Congrats, Thomas!

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1 comment:

  1. Posted by: Jim Courtney

    You will find a full report on this session at (But the videos don't work well for me, even in the raw browsers.)
