Monday, March 12, 2007

Canadian IP Thought Leaders Series - Brian O'Higgins and Network Security

For my latest podcast, the focus was network security. This is a hot area, and has many flavors. In this case, the topic was intrusion detection, and my guest was Brian O�Higgins. He�s the CTO of Ottawa-based Third Brigade, and has a lot of experience in this area. We talked about the network security challenges facing enterprises, and the different ways these threats can impact networks. Brian also spoke to the difficulty of protecting networks today, especially with the numerous way in which the public Internet connects to the enterprise.

On a related note, I also did another podcast recently on this space, but from a different perspective. That was with fellow blogger Dan York, and his affiliation with VOIPSA, the VoIP Security Alliance.

You can download the podcast here, as well as read more about Brian and Third Brigade.

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