Monday, March 26, 2007

Max Arnold's Nokia N80 Review/His New Blog

The Internet can be a very democratic, pluralistic place, and that's great news for people like my 14 year old son, Max. He should be familiar to regular readers of my blog, and now he's on the blogging bandwagon. Over the past 2 years, he's really come into his own, especially when it comes to tech, and all the goodies I bring home from my travels have gone to good use. He's written reviews before as part of Andy Abramson's Nokia N Series blogger relations program, but this is the first time he's done so via his own blog.

Max started his blog a few weeks ago, and has put up a few posts, and he's got some pretty strong views about what he likes and doesn't like about tech. I think it's great that he's putting his thoughts out there, and I'm here to share that for those who want to see what tech means to the youth of today. You'll be hearing more from Max, both here, and of course on his own blog. And if your memory is really good, you may recall that Max and I have been wanting to start a regular video cast series for some time, and that's very much going to happen. We've got the tools - just need to make the time. And sponsors are welcome!

So, without further ado, please welcome Max Arnold to the blogosphere! For those who want to read his review of the Nokia N80 phone, here it is. And if you must know, the post is all his - I just read it myself after he posted it earlier tonight. Am hoping Andy will add it to the Nokia N80 blog site, and if so, I'll pass along the link.

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