Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Canadian IP Thought Leaders Series - Craig Betts and Intelligent Content Routing

On this week's podcast, my guest was Craig Betts. He's the Founder/CEO/President of Solace Systems, which is based in Ottawa, one of Canada's major tech hubs. Actually, they're based in Kanata, but for most people, Ottawa will suffice.

Craig's company focuses on intelligent content routing, which is something I haven't had much exposure to, so this was a good learning experience. Basically, Craig explained how solutions like his help service providers and enterprises better manage the flow of content over IP networks. This means a lot of things, such as speed, scale, reliability, security, and intelligent routing. Better for Craig to explain this, which he does quite well during the podcast. We also touched on where he sees the market going, especially in terms of shifting from real-time data to multimedia, which is far more complex.

You can download the podcast here, as well as read more about Craig and Solace Systems.

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