Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Cisco Partner Summit - Day 2

It's been a full day at the Cisco Partner Summit, and I've already said everything I've wanted to say. Just wanted to share some photos of the various presentations for a flavor of what the event has been like. Photos courtesy of my Nokia N93.

This is a large scale, slickly-produced operation. Feels as much like a concert as it does a conference. With a few thousand channel partners here in the room, you have to hope someone is minding the store for all these people back home!




Charlie Giancarlo is always great to watch. He opened things up with one of his video productions, which are really funny and well done. He plays himself 20 years in the future, and is talking to his grandson about the history of Cisco and how technology has evolved. Nobody drives or flies any more - everything is done via Telepresence - of course! At this point in time, Cisco owns everything, and the grandson asks whatever happened to Microsoft? Grandpa Charlie wistfully looks into the distance and says "we didn't acquire them - they were too small". Too funny. Sorry Mr. Gates - all in good fun.


Very nice demo here about a health care application for UC500 - Cisco's new solution in a box for SMBs.


Talking about Cisco's unified communications platform along with a Telepresence demo.


Best of both worlds. A real time video call done using Cisco between a Mac and a PC. Very effective.


John Chambers during the press/analyst Q&A session.




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