Friday, April 20, 2007

MetaSwitch - Harley Time....

Last night was MetaSwitch's party, held at the Harley-Davidson dealership. Even here, it seems like a slice out of DisneyWorld, but is sure was fun, and brought out the inner biker in everyone.

This is definitely Harley-land - home of the brave, God bless our troops, and hold the quiche, please. In this world, men are men, women look great in leather, and geeks - well, they play pool in the back and drink wine. Once inside, it didn't take long for all the requisite tunes to kick in and set the mood - Born to be Wild, Allman Bros., Bob Seger - you get the idea....

I had no idea that SO many women were into tatoos - even if they're not real.....

There's always a Canadian connection....

Why would anyone want to drive a car after taking all this in? No doubt, bikers have more fun. Way to go, MetaSwitch - great party! As Ahh-nawld would say, "I'll be bahhk...."

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