Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Next Stop - IT360 Conference, Toronto

Trying to stay closer to home these days, and for a change, the next conference I'm participating in is here in my back yard.

Next week is the IT360 Conference and Expo here in Toronto. It's put on by IT World Canada, which is an affiliate of giant IDG. The IT focus isn't of much interest to me, but Linux World is part of this, so there's a strong Open Source element.

I'll be giving a presentation on Unified Communications on Tuesday, May 1, at 11am so if you're in the area, I'd love to see you there.

In terms of star power, there are two speakers I'm keen to see. One is author/consultant Don Tapscott, who will draw heavily on his latest book Wikinomics, and explore how technology is creating a more collaborative economy. Later that day, Digium's Kevin Fleming will talk about the future of Asterisk. And lucky me - my presentation is sandwiched between theirs, so I'm in pretty good company. Hope to see you there.

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