Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Red Sox Opening Day - Worried Already

I haven't blogged about the Red Sox for ages, and probably should have written up my outlook for this year. Too late now, and I'm worried already. No need to re-hash yesterday's ugly loss to the Royals, but for a Red Sox fan it's never too early to think the sky is falling.

Lots of ominous signs for sure, and I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come....

- no offence to speak of - but they do get off to a promising start, scoring in the first inning
- Ortiz drives in the only run
- Manny comes up empty
- JD Drew gets a hit, but no damage
- Coco Crisp is invisible down at the bottom of the order
- Varitek doesn't produce much either
- Schilling has his shortest outing in 10 years

We saw a lot of this last year, and the patterns are repeating already. Ughhh. They produced no offense during Spring Training, and you have to wonder why. No way they'll be able to keep pace with the Yankees and the Jays hitting like that. The pitching will be fine, but you need offense to win games. And Lugo/Pedroia is not an upgrade defensively over Gonzalez and Loretta, and that will catch up to them sooner or later.

Anyhow, it's a day off to regroup, and see how Beckett does tomorrow.

I'm away at a Cisco channel summit this week, so blogging will be light the next few days. I'll leave you with one more source to mine if you're still dwelling on the Opening Day letdown. Curt Schilling has a blog, and it's widely/wildly followed by the Nation, so be my guest if you want to read his blow-by-blow account. And if that doesn't sate your anxiety, you can just keep going and read the 200+ fan comments about his post. How's that for tying in the Red Sox and the world of IP?

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