Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What Will Vonage Do Next? Find Out Thursday...

Anyone following the Vonage/Verizon saga knows there's a lot of uncertainty right now, but clearly, Vonage is under siege, and they're going to have to come up with a solid game plan. Not only do they need to figure out an alternative to Verizon's patents, but they have to keep their customers in-house, and create a reasonable degree of comfort with shareholders and investors that they have a plan and that the house isn't falling down.

In short, for better or worse, the patent issue is catching up to them, and they've lost their mojo in terms of being a cool, innovative disruptor. It's very hard to see how they - or just about anybody - can make a go of things in today's VoIP market as a landline replacement service.

VoIP has SO MUCH more to offer, and while they've gotten the low hanging fruit, getting the rest is going to take a bit more, and the only thing getting in the way of that is innovation and creativity - either with the basic voice offering, or the cool IP services/apps you can build around that.

So, what is Vonage going to do? We're all dying to know, so here's your chance. They're holding an investor call this Thursday at 8am, EST. This could be the most important public statement they'll ever make, and is a classic scenario for their PR firm - WeberShandwick - to earn their keep. Let's see how it goes.

Here's what you need to know to get on the call...

"Vonage announced it will hold an investor update conference call on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 8:00 AM ET. To participate, please dial (800) 289-0533 approximately ten minutes prior to the call. International callers should dial (913) 981-5525. The call will be simultaneously webcast and accessible via Vonage's Investor Relations website at http://ir.vonage.com. A replay of the call will be available on Vonage's Investor Relations website shortly following the webcast for two weeks."

To set the stage, here's a quote from a recent press release that I think says a lot about how they're positioning this....

"Vonage also continues to believe that this case is an attempt to do in the court room what Verizon could not succeed in doing in the marketplace -- which is to put Vonage out of business."

Can't be any more in your face than that. The gloves are off, and let's see what David can do against Goliath....

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