Wednesday, May 2, 2007

IT360 Conference Highlights

Yesterday, I attended the IT360 Conference here in Toronto, and gave a presentation on Unified Communications. The content at the conference is pretty heavy on Linux and Open Source, and it's a great place to be if you're into Asterisk. Saw quite a few familiar faces, and missed sessions by Open Source mainstays John "mad dog" Hall and Jim Van Meggelen, as their presentations were at the same time as mine.

The star attraction of the show was Don Tapscott, who gave a terrific keynote built around his new book Wikinomics. He's actually authored 11 books, and drew from many of them, giving the audience a lot of food for thought as to how technology is transforming the way we work, live, communicate, collaborate, etc. Very engaging stuff.

Below are some photos as per my Nokia 93, which could be the last you'll see from this device for a while. I just got the Nokia N95, which I'll start evaluating now.

Oh, if you're interested in my presentation, drop me a line, and I'll be happy to send it over.

Here's Don.....




Kevin Fleming with an update on what's new at Asterisk, including their show-within-a-show plans at the upcoming Fall VON.


The show floor - some familiar names - TAUG - Toronto Asterisk Users Group, and Talkswitch, who I recently did a podcast with.



And finally, the little PC that could. Ever seen anything so cute? This is from the OLPC initiative - One Laptop Per Child - and if you believe in better living through technology, this will certainly be part of the dream.

So, why are we talking about this here? This PC was a very effective prop for one of the exhibitors, Squeak. is an open source applications platform, and is being used by OLPC to drive Etoys, a math and science learning tool.


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