Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wednesday - Part 2 - Canadian Telecom Dinner

Following the Microsoft Canada analyst day downtown, I had to drive up to Caledon, a small town north of Toronto. It's really nice up there, but getting there during rush hour was brutal - almost 2 hours for what should be a 45 minute trip. Of course with Telepresence, this would not be a problem....

Anyhow, yesterday was the annual golf tourney and silent auction put on by Henry Dortmans of Angus Dortmans Associates. Henry is a real mainstay in the Canadian telecom community, and aside from his consulting, does things like this tourney/auction, as well as the Enterprise Networks conference.

I was only able to attend the dinner, which was a lot of fun. Lots of vendors and carriers there, and outside of conferences, these types of social settings are pretty rare for all these people to be in the same room together. Here a few photos, courtesy of my Nokia N93.




A nice plug for the Canadian Telecom Hall of Fame.


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