Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Next Stop - TMC IT Expo, Los Angeles

A few days ago, fellow blogger Ken Camp posted about the sessions he'll be moderating at the upcoming TMC IT Expo. Ken knows our space really well, and if you have time at the show, I definitely would urge you to seek him out - he won't be hard to find. And I can certainly help you do that.

Ken's post reminded me I should be doing the same, as I'll be moderating a couple of sessions as well.

One is on Innovative Applications, and is on Monday at 10am.

The second session, also on Monday is about one of my favorite topics, Telepresence, running at 12:15.

You can read more about the sessions on my website, as well as view my welcome videos for each one.

The show runs from Monday Sept. 10 through Sept. 12, and I'll be there Monday and Tuesday. As with Ken, I won't be hard to find.

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