Friday, August 24, 2007

VoIP Supply Makes Inc. Magazine's Top 500 List

I just love these good news stories, and it's too bad more people aren't picking up on it. Fellow blogger Garrett Smith is a mainstay at Buffalo-based VoIP Supply Inc., one of my favorite VoIP companies.

Yesterday he shared the news with me, although it's not posted yet on the company website. In short, Inc. Magazine has ranked VoIP Supply 359 on its list of 500 fastest growing U.S. companies over the past three years. As Garrett notes on VoIP Supply's company blog, the company has achieved cumulative growth of 738% over that period.

Now, THAT's the kind of growth we've been looking for in the space - whoo hoo! And it didn't come from Silicon Valley, or Silicon Alley, or MIT Labs. Nope - from Buffalo, home of chicken wings, the almost-ready for prime time Sabres, the never-ready for prime time Bills, and a lot of really cool Frank Lloyd Wright houses. Way to go guys! When's the IPO?

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