Monday, October 15, 2007

BroadSoft Connections 2007 - Day 1

I just realized I haven't posted in a week - that's a long time for me. Time really flies when you're busy fulfilling projects, and now getting into mode for the BroadSoft Connections event.

Connections started this morning, with a very upbeat welcome from CEO Mike Tessler. I'd put BroadSoft at the top of my list for IPOs in waiting, and if you were looking for signs that they're ready, this is the place to be.

Following Mike, Guy Kawasaki gave one of his patented presentations, this one, focusing on the "Art of Evangelizing". Some of his content is familiar, but some was new, and I thought he did a great job tailoring his key messages to the audience. Based on the Q&A session, it was clear to me that he had led several people there to second guess themselves and realize that these ideas can really apply to their businesses. In that regard, I think BroadSoft's money was well spent on getting him to speak.

Overall, the scope of the event is quite large, and the setting is fantastic. The Biltmore is an amazing facility - you'd never think something like this could exist in the desert, but Frank Lloyd Wright had a real affinity for this place, and this is one of his landmark pieces. I'm saying all this because the theme of this year's Connections is about scaling up - taking the business to a higher level and bringing IP to a larger audience.

I'm doing a few different things here, including a couple of podcasts with BroadSoft executives. I sat down this afternoon with Scott Wharton, and we had a good chat about the event and where BroadSoft is focusing for growth.

Time's up - have to move on now. When time allows, I'll post the podcast as well as some photos, both of the event and wearing my tourist hat around the property.

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