Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thomas Howe Company/Sylantro Announce Mashup Winners

As readers of my blog would know, The Thomas Howe Company is doing really great things in the mashup space, and are starting to make a name for themselves.

One of the ways they've done this is with Sylantro, where they jointly held a mashup competition at Sylantro's Global Summit customer event this week. I think it's a great idea, and Thomas has posted the results of the competition today to his company blog.

As the post explains, the overall winner was Infosys Technologies, and their "CallPal" mashup integrates personal calendaring/contact information with Sylantro's Synapps platform. Sounds like this was a great forum to demo all kinds of neat mashups, and you can get a better sense of that from Thomas's post.

While I've got you, I'd also like to draw attention to THC's new blog page, which recently replaced Thomas Howe's personal blog. So, if you're following this, make sure to update your links. I should also note that the THC blog has a very fun and engaging look and feel. They're using the European red telephone booth image as their icon, and every time you visit the home page, there's a rotation of really cool landscape images, with that phone booth icon dropped in. It's a fun way of saying that no matter where you are in the world, you can always be in touch, and if you want to talk about mashups, THC will be there for you.

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