Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cisco C-Scape 2007 - Day 1

Just wanted to post some quick photo highlights from Cisco's C-Scape analyst conference, which kicked off today in San Jose. I attended last year, and it sure is interesting to see how far along the video/media road Cisco has come in a year's time. Not a lot of talk about routers and switches, hardly any talk about IP telephony, and ZERO mention of VoIP. If I'm tracking video, media, social networking, Web 2.0, it's pretty hard not to bump up against Cisco now. Pretty impressive the way they've put a lot of the pieces together, and I have no doubt that in 2008 they will be one of the big stories in this space.

Got lots more to say, but not now - hopefully tomorrow....




John Chambers opened things with a roundtable Telepresence session, with live feeds from 4 different cities - 3 on stage as you see here, plus a Cisco contingent based in New York. This was neat to watch, as John Chambers led a round robin discussion with 3 speakers about Telepresence, especially in terms of how these technologies can improve and accelerate productivity. I couldn't help but note, though that the interaction was a bit static, as John went from one speaker to another in serial fashion. So, there wasn't much to look at while the other speakers just sat there silently. Would have been more effective if there was some real time interactive discussion among everyone - maybe next time. Was also interesting with this being a session-within-a-session, as we got to watch John Chambers conduct his session, mostly with his back to the audience. Pretty tricky stuff to stage, as he needs to engage all of us out there watching him face these screens to engage the speakers, since they were talking him, not us.


Charlie Giancarlo, hosting the Cisco Development Council, with John Chambers looking on in front of me. Tough audience to please, but they did a great job.


Dan Scheinman, Media Solutions Group - definitely the media guru at Cisco, and I really enjoyed his vision for where all this is going. Key takeaway - Me plus We = Community. Totally.


Cisco is big on Second Life - here's the Cisco Sandbox...


Sneak preview - I'm going to be on video during tomorrow's 8am session. I was the first analyst to do submit a question on videotape for tomorrow's CIO Fireside Chat session. Let's see how they answer it tomorrow - I'll let you know next post.


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  1. Posted by: Mike Carrieri

    I have a new idea for business video services. Please let me know if you are interested, or if you have contacts at Cisco or elsewhere. I already have a Web developer ready and available to implement. I was not aware of this conference, or Cisco's involvment in the future of video services. I am looking to work with any party on this new service. Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Mike Carrieri
    Santa Clara, CA
    408 476-3750

  2. Posted by: John Earnhardt


    Great pics and nice post. Not sure what happened to your 15 seconds of fame in the fireside chat video...great performances often, it seems, end up on the cutting room floor.

    I've posted some video blogs at our blog site, please check them out at http://blogs.cisco.com/news. Including one each from Dan Scheinman and SP CTO Bob McIntyre.
