Thursday, January 17, 2008

Next Stop - Miami - ITExpo

This is post 2 of 3 regarding TMC's ITExpo next week in Miami. I'll be pretty busy wearing a few hats there, and in this post I'm just letting you know what I'll be doing wearing my analyst/moderator hat.

I'll be moderating 3 sessions - 2 on Wednesday, and 1 on Friday. I posted earlier today about the Canada/Ontario pavilion reception I'm speaking at on Thursday, so I've got something scheduled each day beyond the briefings, meetings, floorwalking and catching up with people.

On Wednesday, I'm moderating a session on Peering at 11:00, and then one on Hosted VoIP at 12:30.

Friday's session is a bit more ambitious and should be a lot of fun. It's a roundtable on the State of IPTV, and runs from 12:30 to 2:15. We've got 6 speakers scheduled, so we'll be covering a lot of ground.

So, now you know where to find me, and if these sessions are of interest, I sure hope you come out - and better yet, ask some tough questions during the Q&A!

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