Monday, January 7, 2008

SIP Forum Management Announcements

I don't normally post much about industry news like this, but colleague Marc Robins was recently taken on by the SIP Forum to be their Managing Director. It's not often that indies like us get these opportunities, and Marc has been keeping me posted offline about this for some time. Well, the news was finally made public today, and here's the press release.

It's a great move for both parties, and I just want to amplify the idea that indie consultants have a unique perspective in the market, and being non-aligned, we bring not just our industry expertise to the table, but also add credibility and objectivity to the groups we're working with. In my own way, I'm playing a similar role as the portal Editor of IP Convergence TV, and so far I'd say it's working out quite well.

In my mind, industry groups like the SIP Forum need people in these roles who are vendor neutral, and I'd say they made the right choice with Marc. Congrats on both sides - especially to Marc - and if I have occasion to work with SIP Forum, I'll let you know how it's going.

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